Vanessa Laurel Whitby Vanessa Laurel Whitby

Stay in Shape Even When Traveling

Summer is approaching which means SUMMER VACAYS! Even though travel plans may throw you out of your normal fitness routine, here are some simple ways you can squeeze in some fitness into your life. 

Airport Fitness:

Try to squeeze in a few workouts before you board a plane. I promise no one is judging you!

One-arm luggage rows (Use your bag as weight) 10 reps each arm

Incline Push-Up (Feet on floor, hands on the edge of a secure seat, like an airport lobby) 15 reps

Squats using hand luggage as weight - 20 reps

Airport Lunges- That’s right. These are just lunges you do in the airport :)

Take the stairs and skip the moving walkways.

Hotel Gyms:

Other options include hotel gyms. Even the most basic of hotels have gyms these days. I usually try to schedule hitting the gym in the early hours of the day, before any travel activities begin. 

Outdoor Adventures:

Workouts can be done outside of a gym too! Try to book fun activities like biking, hiking, kayaking, or even just walking through a new city. This can be a great way to explore a new place or even look at somewhere you have been before through new eyes. 

Though it is okay to take a few days off while on vacation, it is always nice to try to squeeze a workout in for both your mental and physical health.




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Signs You Could Benefit From Hiring a Personal Trainer

Regular physical activity helps you stay healthy physically and mentally. Exercise promotes cardiovascular fitness, improves strength, and enhances coordination. It can also help alleviate stress and minimize your risk of mental health issues like anxiety and depression. While some people work out solo, others prefer to enlist the help of a personal trainer.

How can you know if personal training is right for you? Read on to find out.

Signs it's time to hire a personal trainer

There are a few key indicators that could mean you'd benefit from one-on-one personal training. First, if you simply lack the motivation, having a trainer to hold you accountable can be a big boon. Your personal trainer will be your very own cheerleader, keeping you going on days when you don't want to get off the couch.

If you have trouble meeting the minimum exercise requirements for adults, it's also a good idea to go for a trainer. According to the Mayo Clinic, the average adult should get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week. Adults should also do strength training at least twice per week, targeting all major muscle groups.

If motivation isn't the issue, you may still want a personal trainer to help you meet certain fitness goals. For example, you may not be seeing the gains you want in terms of muscle growth—or be experiencing troubles reaching a personal best in your running times. A professional can provide expert advice on how to progress past such stagnation.

Benefits of hiring a personal trainer

Unlike an exercise class, which is generalized, all the attention is on you in personal training. Your trainer can help you set unique goals that are specific to your physical abilities and aspirations. Active recommends setting lifetime, intermediate, and daily goals, for example. Some trainers can also provide nutritional guidance to help you meet these goals.

Working out with a pro can also help you avoid injury. For instance, when it comes to activities like weightlifting, proper form is important. Your trainer will ensure that you aren't lifting in a way that could cause you harm. They can also provide practical support, like spotting you when you lift a particularly heavy set. 

Personal training can also be customized in terms of the format. For example, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and related social distancing requirements, online fitness has become popular. As a result, many trainers now offer sessions either in-person or online, giving you the flexibility and freedom to choose when, where, and how you want to work out.

Choosing the right trainer for you and preparing for your first session

If you want to explore personal training, it's important to find a fitting professional who can help you reach your goals. Ace Fitness provides tips for finding a fitting trainer, like pinpointing individuals with an appropriate specialization and asking for references. Many professionals, like Kai Boyer Fitness, post testimonials on their websites.

You also want to consider the trainer's general service offering. For example, some trainers also provide nutritional guidance. Maintaining a healthy diet can be a critical component of meeting your fitness goals, so having someone create diet plans for you can be a worthwhile add-on on top of your regular training.

Once you've found the right trainer, you can prepare for your first session. Make sure to have a good pair of athletic shoes and comfortable workout clothes. Find exercise clothing that's tailored to your body's unique needs. For example, Kindred Bravely offers maternity and postpartum support leggings specifically for women who have recently had a baby.

A great personal trainer can provide the encouragement you need to exercise regularly and stay healthy. Consult the tips above to determine whether personal training is right for you.

Want more content about living your happiest, healthiest life? Check out the Kai Boyer Fitness blog.

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Blog written by: Kelli Brewer

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Vanessa Laurel Whitby Vanessa Laurel Whitby

So Fresh ‘n’ So Clean

Kai Boyer Fitness has moved to a brand-spankin’ new gym and we are SO excited!

Our new gym has tons of great equipment that will assist in getting you to your goals and beyond. Our cardio machines include Erg row machines, Ellipticals, Treadmills, Assault bikes, and more!

The new gym also has Dual-stack cables, Smith racks, 2 Power Racks, Pull up /monkey bars, and Heavy bags. So what are these machines and what do they do? Let’s dive deeper!

Assault Bikes- What are these you ask? Well, these are heavy-duty exercise bikes designed directly from the feedback of athletes and coaches. The Assault AirBike reinvents and retools nearly every component of the traditional fan bike.  The key to these bikes is you set your own pace. The resistance adapts to your own output, and the bike’s multiple, custom seat adjustments make for a more comfortable, customized ride. 

Ah, the classic and beloved treadmill. What would a gym be without one? Treadmills are the ultimate cardio machine. They work by a moving belt that is powered by a motor. The person exercising sets the speed of the belt and proceeds to run on the surface of it as fast or as slow as the belt is moving. Incline, decline...the treadmill gots you girl!

The elliptical. One of our all-time favorite cardio calorie-burning machines! An elliptical trainer or cross-trainer is a stationary exercise machine used to stair climb, walk, or run without causing excessive pressure to the joints. It is a great cardio option because it gives both your upper and lower body a workout. BAM! Time saver!

Get your row on with our new rowing machines. Rowing machines can help improve your posture as you build strength and offer a whole-body workout that engages your arms, legs, core, and back. Yes, please! The rowing machine is a great full-body workout that can improve both strength endurance and cardiovascular endurance.

The purpose of a double pulley is to increase the mechanical advantage of the system, thereby reducing the effort required to move a given load. As more pulleys are added to a compound pulley system, the weight of the load is divided and the load becomes easier to move.

Smith machines, or Smith cages, were named after Rudy Smith, the gym owner who invented them. With a Smith machine, you have twin rods that guide your barbell, so it can move only in a vertical motion. There are also safety stops on the guide rails so you can set how far the bar will descend.

 A power rack is the ultimate gym equipment. You can use it for back squats, front squats, shoulder press, deadlifts, bench press, and heavy rows.  These power racks enable you to lift heavy free weights without needing a spotting partner, then you must add a power rack to it. The power racks are versatile, they can be used to perform more than a dozen exercises.

Monkey bars aren't just great playground equipment, they are a fun and great way to improve your posture and strength too. Monkey bars can also be used as to provide a great exercise that can help maintain postural strength. 

Heavy bag workouts can help to improve technique, provide strength training for power, build better balance and coordination, and even reduce stress. One of the most apparent benefits of hitting the heavy bag is that it improves your boxing technique. 

There are so many different combinations that Kai can tailor directly to your workout plan. Message us today to get started and hear all about our GRAND OPENING SPECIALS!

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Vanessa Laurel Whitby Vanessa Laurel Whitby

The Kaizen Method..for YOUTH

Living a healthy lifestyle starts with building the foundation young. One of the most important things is teaching your kids the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Teaching children about how to lead a healthy lifestyle today will produce healthy, productive adults. That’s why so many parents are now hiring personal trainers for their children. Not only can starting endurance training help your child with their sports, it builds healthy habits that will be brought into adulthood.

Kaizen Physique, created by Kai Boyer, has now added youth training programs into their “Kaizen Method.” The Kaizen Method is all about building healthy habits, so why not start forming healthy habits before bad ones are even formed.

While Kaizen still focuses on proper form, they like to keep it fun for the kids. Kaizen trainers look for engaging exercises and find ways to incorporate their interests into their workouts. For added fun with the younger kids, trainers will do fun memory games and math games. This method is both educational and keeps their brain active and not thinking about exercising.

Kaizen Trainer, Michelle Sapinoso, has been researching what activities specific clients like and incorporating those interests into their programming.

Besides improved endurance in sports, flexibility, increased muscle tone, weight loss, parents have also noticed that their children display increased self-esteem and confidence. This has also led to better eating habits, and even better grades in school. Kids have been responding so well to the new addition to the Kaizen Method that they have no allocated spots just for youth.

Sign up your child today and see the amazing improvements it can do for your children.

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Vanessa Laurel Whitby Vanessa Laurel Whitby

reflection and goal setting

Happy New Year Everyone!!

A new year means a fresh start.

Happy New Year!!

A new year means a fresh start.

Starting your new year with REFLECTION and GOAL SETTING is an amazing way to start the new year. At the end of each year, I love to take a moment and reflect on what I accomplished. Time goes by so quickly, and sometimes we don’t take time to stop reflect and look at what we have accomplished. Stop and celebrate your small moments and your small wins. Looking back, we didn’t know how 2020 was going to go. So while reflecting be flexible with yourself. Focus on all of the things you did make possible!


What did I contribute and accomplish and what did I do to grow personally? What things did I do to help propel me towards my future? What goals did I accomplish? What am I still working towards?

While doing a reflection we may still be working towards some goals, and that is amazing too. Sometimes you don’t always accomplish everything you wanted to through the year and that is okay. It is a time to be flexible with yourself, assess where you are at. And move forward.

This fresh start is an amazing time to set new goals. We don’t know what the future will hold, so keep that in mind as you move into 2021. Work on the things you can control and keep your goals attainable. When we set attainable goals, it helps us stay on track for the larger things we want to accomplish.

One of my biggest goals for the new year is to be consistent with self-care and personal growth. Something that helps me stay on track with my personal growth and goals is journaling. Journaling has so many benefits. Personally, it helps to keep my thoughts organized which helps my anxiety. One of my favorite ways I do this is by using The Kaizen Journal. The Kaizen Journal is meant to be your guide in stimulating new thoughts, ideas, and methodologies throughout your journey of self-exploration. Journaling helps me dive deeper into self-exploration and set and achieve my goals. This is a huge part of my self-care routine.

While setting new goals for this year I am using baby steps. I am setting small attainable goals that will help me feel better overall. I break down my goals into daily, weekly, or monthly actions. From there, I break them down into personal or professional. Being able to view my goals into broken-down steps allows me to not feel overwhelmed by the large picture. This helps keep me on track with small wins along the way. Just keep in mind, we do not know how this year will play out, so be gentle with yourself.

Thought starters:

What do I love about my life? What am I thankful for? Where do I want to grow personally? Where do I want to grow professionally? What is one daily habit I can improve?

You have the power and choice to make every day amazing. Take this fresh slate and run into 2021 with a positive badass attitude!

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Vanessa Laurel Whitby Vanessa Laurel Whitby

10 Ways To Get...M O T I V A T E D

Remember Your Why - First off, where does your motivation stem from? What motivates you? Is it to have a better life? To lose weight? To be the best version of yourself? It is important to be clear what gets you motivated to get big results. Identifying where your goals stem from can help keep you motivated and on track for success.

Set a Short Term Goal - A great way to keep up motivation is to set an attainable short term goal. Setting a goal that you can easily work towards can shift your mindset and build momentum. Think of changing your mindset from “I want to lose 15 pounds, to I want to run for 15 minutes.” This can still be challenging but is realistic and attainable. Breaking bigger goals down into smaller milestones helps you see your progress and stay motivated.

Get Yourself a Planner - This is huge for me. This allows me to plan out my days and tasks and actually get shit done. When you plan out your day, you can make time for the things that need to get done. Having a set schedule for working out is a great way to plan ahead. Knowing that I scheduled a 5:30 fitness session after I get off work allows me to mentally prepare and not plan anything else. I am less likely to skip out or make other plans when I have it in my planner.

Stay Hydrated - A lack of water can easily cause fatigue and therefore a lack of motivation. To keep your energy levels high naturally, keep drinking water throughout your day.

Switch it Up - Change up your routine so you don’t become stagnant. This is why working with a personal trainer can be so great. You have something new everyday that is tailored to fit your goals and your needs.

End Each Day Prepping for the Next - If your goal is to work out early the next morning, make sure you pack your gym bag and anything you need the night before. If your goal is to wake up early and make yourself a healthy breakfast before work, then plan out your work outfit the night before. These small tasks will help you when that alarm goes off and set you up for a successful day.

Get Moving - If you are trying to get motivated to exercise: congratulations! Exercising will actually help you get more motivated. The reason behind this is that exercising releases certain hormones that cause you to feel energized.

Reward Yourself- Set a reward for yourself. “My goal is to work out 4 times a week for the next month. If I do this, I will go buy myself a new workout outfit” YES GIRL. You deserve it!

Visualization - Visualize the outcome of your goal. Imagine what it will be like once it is accomplished. Place yourself in the situation. How do you feel? What has changed because you were able to achieve this goal? Make it as real as possible and refocus on this anytime your motivation is waning.

Remember to Rest - Motivation differs from day to day and some days it is important to listen to your body. Don’t push yourself too hard on the days when you really aren’t feeling it (that time of the month, or just feeling burnt out) Allow yourself to reset and rest so that you don’t get burnt out. Something that usually helps me when I am feeling this way is unrolling my yoga mat and just simply stretching. This maintains the habit of caring for your body daily without making you feel like you have fallen behind.

Your limitation—it’s only your imagination.

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Vanessa Whitby Vanessa Whitby

Becky..Put the Pumpkin Spice Latte down!

It may be basic season, but that Pumpkin Spice frap may be leading you to pack on the pounds.

“A grande pumpkin spice latte with 2 percent milk and whipped cream is 380 calories, according to Starbucks' website. This includes 14 grams of fat, 52 gram of carbs and 50 grams of sugar.”

Most pumpkin spice lattes are super high in sugar and processed ingredients. A Grande Caramel Frappiccihno made with whole milk and topped with whipped cream has 66 grams of sugar. Imagine drinking 16 tablespoons of sugar!

Especially keeping in mind that the AHA recommends that men eat no more than 37.5 grams of sugar daily and women eat no more than 25 grams of sugar daily. For a sweet-treat alternative, order the Iced Caramel Macchiato with only one or two pumps of syrup.

Easy Swaps Drink Swaps

  • Try putting less sweetener in your coffee or tea in the morning.

  • Just say no to that extra extra frap ladies. Try using an unsweetened almond milk in substitute.

  • Starbucks automatically adds four pumps of syrup to your flavored latte. But that doesn't mean that you need to keep it at four — you can actually customize your drink by asking the barista to use only one or two pumps instead.

  • Avoid using sugar alternatives. Artificial sweeteners can be anywhere from 200 to 13,000 times sweeter than real sugar. This can fool your brain into thinking that you’re actually eating sugar. In the long run, these substitutes can trigger sugar cravings, making it harder for you to stick to your eating plan.

If you want to enjoy your fav cozy time drink at home with less of the guilt, try this recipe!

2 tablespoons canned pumpkin puree

¼ teaspoon cinnamon

⅛ teaspoon each ground nutmeg

Pinch of sea salt

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

½ cup unsweetened almond milk

½ cup hot brewed coffee

1 tablespoon almond butter

  1. In a saucepan over low heat, combine ingredients (minus coffee and almond butter). Stir until warm and fragrant, about 3 minutes.

  2. Transfer to a blender and add coffee and almond butter. Blend until well mixed and frothy. YUM!

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Vanessa Laurel Whitby Vanessa Laurel Whitby

The NEW Fitness Scene


The NEW Fitness Scene…


Let’s get Outside Ladies!!

So it’s been 6 months…and you have fallen off of your normal fitness routines. We get it..times are weird. But now IT IS TIME TO DROP THE EXCUSES and get back in the game (all while staying safe)

Grab your gal friends and join the new hottest fitness scene. OUTDOOR FITNESS!

Yes, that’s right! We are going to be moving our butts outdoors. These outdoor fitness sessions have been gaining popularity recently. Friends are joining together (while safely social distancing) to get in shape and feel a sense of community. This is a great way to have some fun, get some socialization in, while burning calories. Outdoor workouts focus on functional fitness, HIIT Circuits, agility training and core. It’s definitely a win-win for everyone. 

At Kai Boyer Fitness, we have developed a way for everyone to feel a sense of community. We are lacking the interpersonal connection that we use to receive. Exercise can become a lot more fun if you involve family and friends. Instead of meeting a friend for lunch or coffee, ladies are now meeting their friends for outdoor fitness sessions. Outdoor workouts are truly the way of the future. No matter the day or time, there is a time slot for you to schedule your workout. 

Contact Kai Boyer Fitness to join the tribe today!

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Vanessa Laurel Whitby Vanessa Laurel Whitby


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February 26, 2020  By Vanessa  In Exercise  No Comments

Picture this…you get home from work and you are feeling exhausted. You walk to your refrigerator to figure out what to make for dinner. You close the door…and order pizza. Uh oh!

Life can get busy and healthy eating often gets put on the back burner. Staying consistent with your goals can be tricky when you don’t have the time to dedicate.

With meal prepping, you not only save time and money, but you will reach your weight goals much easier.

Here are a few reasons you should meal prep:

1. Save that money!

Eating healthy does not have to be expensive. With the right planning you will save money by only buying what you need. You can utilize everything you bought and eliminate excess because you know exactly the amount you need. No one likes to throw out old produce!

2. Reach your weight goals

Planning your meals in advance is key to weight loss as you know exactly what you are putting into your body, and how much. A weekly meal prep routine allows you to control how many calories you are inputting everyday.

3. Save time grocery shopping.

Go in prepared with a list. Once you know what you will be making that week, you can get in and out without wandering around isles you don’t need to be in. Saving you time..and again money!

4. Portion Control is key

The beauty of meal prep is that it teaches you balance. Packing your meals in containers refrains you from being able to reach for more. If you want to lose weight and consume the right amount of nutrients, portion control is vital.

5.  Get back your time

The best part about meal prep is that you get to choose ahead of time what you will be eating! So you don’t waste time deciding what to eat or cook. This will lead you to make healthier choices and avoid the temptation to consume junk food!

We are here to help you! Our team is happy to make house calls to educate you on proper nutrition and help you plan out your meals for the week.

There are so many amazing meal prep recipes to have fun and let the meal prepping begin!

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Vanessa Laurel Whitby Vanessa Laurel Whitby

Tis the Season…

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December 18, 2019  By Vanessa  In Exercise  No Comments

Tis the Season for…..overindulging living!

The holiday season is upon us and that means endless holiday parties, holiday baking, comfort food, cocktails, and more. And while many times it is easy to fall off the fitness are a few tricks to have your cake…and work it off too!

  • Exercise early…get it done first thing in the morning so you can still attend that afterwork holiday gift exchange.

  • Find healthy alternatives for your holiday comfort cooking…like switching out sour cream for greek yogurt or butter for apple sauce!

  • Ditch the tempting sugar filled holiday cocktails and stick to red wine or spirits & soda water.

  • Plan ahead. Schedule out the days you will be unable to exercise and make sure you stick to your workout schedule on the alternative days.

  • Set a short term goal. Work with your personal trainer to come up with a plan that fits your busy life in this crazy time.

  • Add in HIIT training and full body blasts to your workout routine to maximize your time.

  • Regift that box of chocolates that your coworker gave you 😉

Indulge for a NIGHT…not the SEASON!

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Vanessa Laurel Whitby Vanessa Laurel Whitby

Forever Fit

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January 20, 2020  By Vanessa  In Exercise  No Comments

Senior Fitness does more than keeping your body and mind healthyIt can save your life. 

Did you know that each year, more than 25 percent of adults 65 or older have a fall, and 3 million are treated in emergency departments for fall injuries, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

As we age, our ability to maintain our balance is often diminished, bringing a sense of fear and even more loss of movement. Often the loss of balance stems from a combination of loss of muscle control. This is why maintaining your fitness as you age is so important. Building strong muscles and bones can help keep you safe. Adding strength training to your fitness routine can also be a huge benefit.

Not only will exercise help strengthen muscles, it also helps with cognition, helping to stimulate the brain and possibly slowing the progress of dementia, which is important as Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia provide an additional risk factor for falling. However, all seniors can benefit from exercise as it improves strength and balance, improves physical fitness through strong muscles and flexible joints that allow greater independence, keeps bones strong, reduces the risk of osteoporosis and breaks that occur because of falls, according to The Caring Senior Service National.

Regularly doing fall prevention exercises reduces fall risk by specifically strengthening key muscles and joints to improve balance. Specific strength, balance and flexibility exercises can easily be added to of your everyday resistance workouts.

A number of lower-body strength exercises—especially those that strengthen your legs and ankles—also can help improve your balance. These include the back leg raise, side leg raise, knee curl, and toe stand exercises.

Falls can have very serious consequences as we age, but there are ways that can help you age gracefully. We have designed a fitness program to help with balance and stability and have trainers who specialize with senior adults. Please always feel free to ask any questions or book a session with us today to find out how we can help you.

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Vanessa Laurel Whitby Vanessa Laurel Whitby

Self-Care Sunday

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November 16, 2019  By Vanessa  In Exercise  No Comments

Self-Care Sunday…We’ve all heard this term lately..but what does it really mean?

Indulging in self care on a specific day can help us stay accountable for taking care of our needs on a weekly basis. This is not limited to Sunday’ fact, if you can utilize some self care on any day it is a win!

Your self-care day should be packed with actions of loving-kindness towards all aspects of your personal life. Towards your body, towards your mental body, towards your spiritual self, and towards your emotions.

Here are a few simple ways you can have a self-care day:

  • Turn off your alarm and slowly wake up with your body’s alarm clock.

  • Mindfully drink a cup of tea or coffee.

  • Do a couple of morning stretches.

  • Prepare a healthy, soul-charging and energizing breakfast

  • Pamper Yourself. Have an at-home spa day.

  • Take a relaxing bubble bath, apply your favorite face mask, or give yourself a fresh manicure.

  • Have a long, loving, steaming shower, and take the time to exfoliate your whole body.

  • Put on comfy clothes.

  • Meditate.

  • Turn off your phone and all other electronics for an X amount of time.

  • Get some flowers or a new plant

  • Take a long walk outside

  • Practice Gratitude with a gratitude journal.

  • Set your intentions for the week ahead.

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Vanessa Laurel Whitby Vanessa Laurel Whitby

Fall into Fitness

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October 9, 2019  By Vanessa  In Exercise  No Comments

Fall is an amazing time to set your Fitness Goals so you can create good habits through the Holiday Season!

Here are 5 easy steps to help you along the way.

1. Fall Back

Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday, November 3. This means that it will get lighter earlier, making morning workouts ideal. While it can take time to adjust to morning workouts, they’re worth the effort!

2. Take advantage of the weather.

No one wants to work out when its 90 degrees outside. So take advantage of these cooler mornings and get a kick start on warming yourself up for the day with fitness.

3. Stock Up On In-Season Produce

Healthy nutrition is an essential component to your fitness plan. Eating fruits and vegetables that are at their peak will help you save money and consume the highest quality of vitamins and minerals.

4. Set a 5k commitment

Sign up for your community’s Turkey Trot or Reindeer Romp. These annual races are usually a 5K. Registering now creates a sense of urgency and commitment, ensuring that you’ll stick to your training plan. A personal trainer can help you achieve your 5k goal by creating a specific workout routine.

Here is a link for the Irvine, CA Turkey Trot

5. Keep an activity and food log

The Fall season can start to get busy with all the pumpkin patches and Thanksgiving plans. Make sure you are scheduling out time for your workouts and staying consistent.

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Vanessa Laurel Whitby Vanessa Laurel Whitby

Early Bird Gets the Workout!

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September 26, 2019  By Vanessa  In Exercise  

The early bird gets the….morning sweat!

Whether it is personal fitness goals, injury rehabilitation, sports performance or athletic training….Here are a few simple tips to help you become that person who wakes up ready for a good AM workout!

  • Go to Bed Early and set your alarm 30 minutes earlier… but NO SNOOZE BUTTON! 😉


  • Lay out your gear the night before..that way you don’t have to even think about your outfit..just roll out of bed and get going!


  • Find an accountability partner..personal trainers like Kai are perfect for this!


  • Schedule are more likely going to show up for your workout session if you have it scheduled out with a personal trainer.


  • Find a fitness routine you love.. finding a workout you truly look forward to doing is key! Work with a trainer to find specific workouts for your body that can keep you motivated!


  • Bribe Yourself..this is always a winner in my books to help me to reach my fitness goals!

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Vanessa Laurel Whitby Vanessa Laurel Whitby

5 Things To Do Post Workout

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Water is LIFE. No, but really..water is everything! Your body is made up of 60% of it. If you don’t drink enough water before a workout, then sweat a ton while you train, you’re on the road to dehydration. Not only is it essential after a workout but it also helps to promote weight loss, improves skin complexion, increases energy levels, and improves mood. What more do you need?!


Yes, you may be short on time ladies, but prioritizing the cooldown will make sure you reap all the benefits of your hard work. A good workout get your blood flowing, so stopping quickly can actually cause your blood pressure to drop rapidly which can cause you to feel light-headed. No beuno. So take the extra five minutes and cool it down.


Hello my best friend the foam roller.. foam rolling can help you recover from workouts and might also increase your mobility and flexibility. Experts also recommend it as a way to minimize post-workout soreness, which it does by increasing blood flow to the tissues you used while exercising. Foam rolling regularly (and properly) is a great way to speed up recovery. Using a foam roller for can help with Myofascial Release.. So take some time to roll, stretch, and recover.


Eating the right foods after exercise can help you recover, build muscle, and prepare for your next regimen. It is particularly important to eat carbs and protein after your workout. Eating the right combo of carbs, protein, vitamins, and minerals can help repair muscle proteins. Also, don’t shy away from fats…but only the HEALTHY kind! Think avocados or nut butters.


According to a recent article in the Wall Street Journal, 1 in 10 U.S. adults owns a fitness tracker while 1 in 50 own a smart watch—and for good reason. The simple act of reflecting on your workout by keeping track of your progress (either via technology or pen to paper) is a powerful motivator for success.

By making sure your body’s been warmed up, worked out, and cooled down properly, you can maximize the results you’re working towards!

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Vanessa Laurel Whitby Vanessa Laurel Whitby

Getting Fit After 50

For a lot of people maintaining a decent level of fitness and healthy living is quite the challenge but for women over 50 it may sometimes even feel hopeless. Getting, and staying in shape after this age is possible but it does require come consistency. Many difficulties of aging are linked to an inactive lifestyle. “A healthy lifestyle matters at all ages,” says Professor Goya Wannamethee, who has spent 32 years studying thousands of people to see how their habits affect their health. Looking into works best for every individual requires a little bit of research so I will give you some tips. 

Physical activity may help tame some of the symptoms of menopause that consist of hot flashes, joint pain, and sleep problems. Exercise also lowers your risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis. It’s important to know every bit of movement counts. If you’re too busy for a regular workout, look for other ways to be in motion. Your steps each day add up. The effects of exercise extend throughout your whole body that it influences every physiological system in the body for the better.

Don’t know where to start? Find a sport, game, or activity you like. You’ll stay committed to exercising if you’re doing something that you enjoy. You can start with Aerobic Exercise which can be walking, jogging, dancing, or swimming,  Aerobic exercise works the large muscles in your body, benefitting your cardiovascular system and your weight. Work up to getting 20 or more minutes per session at least 3 days a week. A 2013 study led by BHF-funded researcher Dr Barbara Jefferis showed that walking for more than four hours per week, even at a slow pace, reduces risk of stroke in men aged 60–80.

Strength Training and stretching are two more ways to stay fit.  Lifting hand weights improves your strength and posture, maintains bone strength, reduces the risk of lower back injury, and also helps you tone. Find a weight you can comfortably hold and start doing some reps. Stretching helps you maintain flexibility in your joints. Yoga and pilates are perfect for building core body strength and increasing stability. 

As you move into your 60s, and 70s focusing positive lifestyle changes can have a huge impact on your quality of life. Keep working at it and try to ignore choices that set you back into your old ways! And as always come to me for any questions or tips!

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Vanessa Laurel Whitby Vanessa Laurel Whitby

Why You Need To Warm Up

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May 27, 2019 By aleishasalazar3

What is your favorite way of warming up before an exercise? Do you realize how important it is to do so? Warm-ups are crucial because they get your muscles ready for activity. Too often, people in the gym, athletes show up late to the workout or practice and don’t start out right. Others are barely have any time in their day and are trying to squeeze a workout into a busy schedule, so they skip warming up and assume main set of the workout is more important anyway.

Your warm up should gently prepare the body for exercises by gradually increasing the heart rate and circulation. This should be used for all types of workouts such as cardiovascular exercise, resistance training, and even flexibility training. When you warm up successfully:

Muscle temperature increases:Blood temperature risesBlood vessels dilateThe range of motion increasesYou avoid overheatingHormonal changes occurYou have a chance to mentally prepare

How long should you work out? The National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) recommends that a complete warm-up include both a general and specific warm-up. A general warm-up includes activities and movements that are not necessarily going to be performed in your actual workout, and should last approximately 5-10 mins at a low-to-moderate intensity.  It all depends on your body and me athletes have found they need more warm-up time. A general recommendation for warming up is to begin with low-intensity swimming, cycling or running For example, to warm up for a brisk walk or run, walk slowly for five to 10 minutes. To perform at your best and minimize the risk of hurting yourself, take time for an adequate warm-up. The warm up can be looked at as a rehearsal before the activity. Stay healthy while getting fit!

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Vanessa Laurel Whitby Vanessa Laurel Whitby

Breathing: Are you doing it right?

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March 29, 2019 By aleishasalazar3

Breathing. It’s something you don’t have to think about and just do. Or do you? It’s time to stop and consider how you breathe when you exercise.  

Whether you enjoy running, swimming, jogging, cycling, walking or resistance training, proper breathing is important for exercising safely, comfortably, and effectively. Proper breathing is also central to nonaerobic forms of exercise like weightlifting, yoga, tai chi and pilates.

Taking in regular, deep breaths promotes the transfer of oxygen that powers the muscles, and pushing out regular, deep breaths eliminates waste gases such as carbon dioxide. According to the American Council on Exercise, you can determine your effort level during exercise by how hard you are breathing. When you exercise and your muscles work harder, your body uses more oxygen and produces more carbon dioxide.  The US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health says, to cope with this extra demand, your breathing has to increase from about 15 times a minute (12 litres of air) when you are resting, up to about 40–60 times a minute (100 litres of air) during exercise.

The way you breathe can impact how hard or easy it is to get through a workout. University of New Mexico research say the best way to get a full, deep breath is to breathe from the diaphragm while expanding the chest at the same time. Allow the inhalation to push out your belly and expand your rib cage as opposed to lifting your shoulder.

During aerobic exercise, your main priority should be establishing a consistent breathing pattern. According to Self, the more consistent your breathing (think even, measured breaths versus short, shallow breaths), the more nitric oxide you’ll get into your body, which helps dilate the blood vessels and increases the oxygenated blood flow to the heart so that it will work more efficiently.

Controlling your breathing during strength training, for example, can help you lift more weight and exert more power with less effort. The correct way to breathe during weight training is to exhale while pushing the weight away from your body and inhale while pulling it towards your body. You should always exhale when you are exerting energy. According to SELF, for strength training in general, breathing out on the concentric phase of the lift (when you’re doing a bicep curl, the concentric portion is when you lift the weight toward your shoulder, and the eccentric portion is when you lower it back toward the ground) is the most commonly recommended technique. The way you breathe is on autopilot but paying attention during a workout can help make sure you’re breathing as efficiently and effectively as possible. Remember to breathe correctly after working out too! With breathing, you have so many chances every single day to practice proper technique so it’ll start to feel more and more natural.

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Vanessa Laurel Whitby Vanessa Laurel Whitby

The Importance of Drinking Enough Water (1+ gallon per day)

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March 6, 2019 By aleishasalazar3

Water is a healthy, zero-calorie drink that helps your body stay healthy and it literally keeps you alive. At extremes, you can survive for about a month without food, but you can only survive approximately a week (at the most) without drinking water.

Many people have a hard time drinking the amount they need throughout the day or don’t even know much they are necessarily suppose to. The recommended intake for an active individual is one gallon per day, it seems like alot but Proper hydration is key for optimal body function.

There are many reasons why you need to start drinking more water:


Water makes up more than 60 percent of your body and 90% of your blood, if you do not consume enough fluids, you become dehydrated which can lead to naseau, dizziness and headaches.  In fact dehydration can affect brain structure and function. It is also involved in the production of hormones and neurotransmitters. Prolonged dehydration can lead to problems with thinking and reasoning.

While Exercising

It is important to be hydrated before, during, and after engaging in any sports or strenuous activity. Depending on the duration and intensity of your exercise in order to stay in top physical form, the American Council on Exercise recommends 7 to 10 ounces for every 20 minutes of exercise.

Weight Loss

Drinking water helps to fill you up and suppress your appetite. In fact, a new study showed that drinking 16 ounces of water before eating leads to more weight loss.

Helps to Keep Your Body Functioning

Water helps to carry oxygen throughout your body and helps to keep your liver and other vital organs functioning properly. It also helps create saliva, mucus and even lubricate your joints.

Flushes out toxins and fevers/diseases

Water is a natural detoxifier that helps to flush out toxins out of your body  and get rid of waste primarily through sweat and urine.

It makes minerals and nutrients accessible

These dissolve in water, which makes it possible for them to reach different parts of the body. Your digestive system also needs to keep your body flowing regularly.

It boosts skin health and prevents wrinkling

With dehydration, the skin can become more vulnerable to skin disorders and premature wrinkling.


Carry a water bottle for easy access all day long.Use a ThermoFlash to keep your water cold all day longChoose water instead of sugar-sweetened beverages like soda or juice. This can also help with weight management. Substituting water for one 20-ounce sugar sweetened soda will save you about 240 calories. For example, during the school day students should have access to drinking water, giving them a healthy alternative to sugar-sweetened beverages.Add a slice lemon or cucumber  to your water. This can help improve the flavor and help you drink more water than you usually do.

If you haven’t already been trying, try to drink a gallon today. You want to be on top of your game at all times and water can help you with that! Remember how important this is for your overall health!

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